Competition -- Yes!

A friend sent an email entitled "Your Competition."    Here's the way I feel about that:
<>Competition keeps me sharp
<>Competition keeps the market place honest for consumers
<>Competitors compete against me, too; and there's the difference! 

Frankly, others do not stand a chance if the consumer does due diligence. 
Boastful?  Perhaps. 
Confident?  Absolutely! 
Here's why:
1.) I've done what it is I offer to help do -- put kids through college.
2.) I work as hard as, or harder than anyone I know, in any profession.
3.) Integrity is not a marketing strategy.  It is a character trait.
4.)  I bring a pastor's heart to every family I meet.
Shall I continue . . . ? 

Prove it? 
Sure.  Here's my "competition." Check them out.  Then schedule your complimentary appointment with me.
In Huntersville, NC -
In Davidson, NC -

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