Gately offers Invocation for Maryland Senate

Pictured are Maryland State Senator Michael Hough, Mrs. JoeyLynn Hough and Rev. Dr. George Gately. Mike invited me to offer the invocation for the Senate of Maryland Friday, February 17, 2017. It was my pleasure and honor to do so.

Mike is my cousin. His great-grandfather, Stanley Gately, was my father's brother. Stanley was killed in battle in September, 1944, Germany. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Following his death my father and mother took in his daughter Regina "Jean" Gately, and raised her until her 18th birthday; at which time she attained employment and moved out on her own. Jean married Earl Dilley, and they brought three children into this world -- Catherine, David and Beth. Beth is Michael's mother.

Here is a transcript of the Invocation:
ALMIGHTY GOD, we address you this morning from the common ground of our faith and dependence on you. Giver of life and all good things, we acknowledge your providential care and benevolence; and we do so with thankful hearts.
First, as we are admonished to do, we give thanks for our nation and those who lead us in government. May they be conscious of the benefits of faith and prayer, and may they each and all draw faithfully upon that wisdom which is from on high: first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity.  And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.
We also give thanks and lift up to you those who serve this sovereign and good State of Maryland.
  • Governor Larry Hogan,
  • his cabinet and staff;
  • Senate President Mike Miller and Pro Tem Nathaniel McFadden;
  • the leaders of each party Senators Peters and Jennings.
  • Blessings upon them each and all, and upon each person who serves as a Maryland State Senator today.
Our prayer of gratitude and for mercy is made also on behalf of the Staff of the Senate, and in particular those who labor here year-round and keep this government running well. We also include those who serve in often unnoticed ways, but without whom our work would grind to a halt -- those who serve in maintenance and security and clerical positions.
Setting aside our partisan differences for this moment of unity in your presence, merciful God, we ask that you give us wisdom with compassion in these tumultuous days of strong opinions. We ask that you help us balance
  • public safety and security with mercy;
  • fiscal stewardship with mindfulness of the poor and destitute;
  • strong, informed points of view with a spirit of understanding and unity.
You are God Almighty, and you are the author of our lives. We close this petition for your grace with this: every Senator is also a member of a family. They love their families and their families love them. We pray for the health, the safety and the general well-being of each Senator and each senator's family.
Dear God, thank you for your presence among us, for listening with a mind to answer, and for the gift of life which has been imparted to us through your own Spirit. Amen.

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