Trying to get with it!

I'm trying to get with it!  FInally got a surge in brain activity and will offer my very popular workshop (College Costs HOW MUCH?!) as a webinar.

Hey, what can I tell you?  When I was in college I wrote my papers on a Smith Corona electric, portable typewriter.  Carbon copies were not just a "cc" on an email template, and every typo had to be corrected on the original and on each copy, using an eraser or (later) "white out."  In those days we also had to calculate the space needed at the bottom of each page for footnotes.  A miscalculation and you had to re-type the entire page.  A missed footnote (or editing to add even one sentence) could force re-typing several pages.

I know, this falls under the category of "We walked to school 10 miles, uphill, through a foot of snow."   Only difference is, my story is true.

Anyway, hit the "Register" button on the home page.  See the webinars listed in August. 

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