For cat owners only

Which part of my dream is weirderer the poop or the planet?
I'm a member of an astronaut crew on temporary duty at a Martian colony.  Wearing full astronaut gear -- white suit, bubble helmet, insulated gloves -- the time has come for our crew to leave.  We have to clean the place up and leave it fit for the next group.  My job was to clean out the cat litter boxes.  There were several, and each was well used. 

At this point my brother-in-law would ask, "Were the cats martian or earthling? and if earthling how did they breathe?"  Answers: don't know, don't know.  I never saw the cats, just the litter boxes.
The more poop I scooped, however, the more poop there was.  I'd scoop one box only to notice another, also full.  As I progressed I noticed poop everywhere on top of equipment, on piles of old newspapers; more and more.
Amazed, aggravated and frustrated I finally decided the next crew would just have to deal with it and started making my way to our space craft for return to earth. 
End of dream. But not the end of the story.  I have to go now and clean out the litter boxes of the three cats (all earthling felines) living at my house.

Rising 11th & 12th grade students

Think back, oooh, say 18 months ago.  What were you doing?  It was the fall of 2011; think. . . .

More than likely, at least one thought that passed through your mind was, "Where did the time go?"  Students currently in 10th grade will be in the middle of college applications 18 months from now; and current 11th graders will be in college! Or working, or something.

There is no time to waste.  Few decisions will impact more the cost of a college education than the decision-making-process by which you select a college.

Make a plan.  Work your plan.

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